BARC General Meeting, Thursday, February 20

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, February 20, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30. This month’s speaker will be Joe Chapman, NV1W, who will be giving a talk on getting started with and using Logbook of the World.

Zoom meeting info:
Meeting ID: 878 1598 3319
Passcode: BARC
Meeting link:

Amateur Radio Exam Session, Monday, January 13

BARC will be holding its quarterly Volunteer Exam (VE) session on Monday, January 13, starting at 7:30 pm, at Artisans Asylum in Allston. You must have a reservation, which you can get by contacting Joe, NV1W, at More information can be found here.

We could always use additional volunteer examiners. If you are already accredited by the ARRL VEC, you can be added to our team without any hassle. If you want to become a Volunteer Examiner but aren’t accredited, NV1W can help you with the process. While theoretically anyone can become a VE, the things a VE who does not hold an Amateur Extra license can do are very limited.

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, October 17

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, October 17, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

Our speaker will be Tom Frenaye, K1KI, a candidate for Director of the New England Region of the American Radio Relay League. All are welcome to join us, even if you are not yet a member of the club or are not yet licensed.

Zoom meeting info:
Meeting ID: 892 5271 1947
Passcode: BARC