We are counting down the days to the 2019 edition of ARRL Field Day! Setup will begin at 8:30 am on Saturday, June 22 at the Bare Cove Fire Museum in Hingham. The plan is to repeat the 3A with VHF setup that has been used the past few years. Logging will be done with N1MM+, and there will be opportunities for phone, CW, and digital ops. Will the stars finally align for a satellite QSO? Will 15 or 10 open? Will there be another 6 meter opening? Find out June 22 & 23!
If you are planning on attending Field Day, please mail Mark Duff, Vice President and Mr Field Day, at the email address given in the “Officers and Staff” section of The SPARC. Let him know which day(s) you’ll be attending and whether you will be staying overnight.