Happy World Amateur Radio Day 2021!

Happy World Amateur Radio Day 2021!
IARU and Amateur Radio are Reaching “an Inflection Point”

Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris.

Today, Amateur Radio is more popular than ever, with more than 3,000,000 licensed operators!

The theme for this year’s World Amateur Radio Day is, “Home, but Never Alone!” It speaks to the wonderful bond that we amateur radio operators have had through the world. In the last year this has manifested in dozens of local “checkin” nets whose purpose was have us keep an eye on each other on a daily or weekly basis. It was a wonderful example of Amateur Radio keeping all of its members safe, and together…no matter what the physical distance!

SPARC and BARC Meeting Thursday 15 April

Due to both professional and health issues, the April SPARC will be delayed until this coming weekend (17-18 April).

We do have an exciting meeting planned for Thursday evening at 7:30ET (15 April) on the Zoom teleconferencing platform.

Joe Harris, N1QD, will be presenting DMR basics, with an emphasis on getting set up and running on BARC’s 70cm DMR repeater. No pressure, but this could be one of the best presentations this year!

To join the Zoom meeting above go to:

Meeting ID: 999 1873 2995 Password: BARC

Get Your Article in NOW!

Have something to tell your club? Been working on something that has been exciting you? Know something that the rest of the club would be interested in? (DMR comes to mind!)

Write something up for the upcoming March SPARC. Doesn’t have to be big. Make your mark now! Send it off to your harried Editor, KE1ML at ke1ml@arrl.net!