Ham Radio Presence at IEEE Convention

[From Phil Temples, K9HI]

The IEEE is holding an antenna conference in Boston in the Seaport District in July. They’ve approached Tom Walsh, K1TW, the Eastern MA Section Manager to see if we would staff a booth and provide VE exams for conference attendees interested in ham radio.  Parking fees would be waived, and they would hold a free reception for the ham volunteers.

“The 2018 IEEE APS Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting will be held on July 8–13, 2018, at the Westin Waterfront hotel in Boston, MA. The combined symposium and meeting are cosponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) and the U.S. National …” The conference URL is: https://www.2018apsursi.org.

Would you have an interest in being involved in this project? It should be a lot of fun! We still need a few more volunteers. You can find more details and a sign-up link at: https://ema.arrl.org/hamradio-ieee-ap-s-2018-seeks-volunteers-july-8-12-2018/.

Field Day is just two weeks away!!

We are counting down the days to the 2018 edition of ARRL Field Day!! Setup will begin at 8:30AM on Saturday, June 23 at the Bare Cove Fire Museum. The plan is to repeat the 3A with a VHF setup that has been used the past few years. Logging will be done with N1MM+, and there will be opportunities for phone, CW, and digital ops. Will the stars finally align for a satellite QSO? Will 15 or 10 open? Will there be another 6 meter opening? Find out June 23 & 24!

The signup form for the 2018 Boston Amateur Radio Club Field Day is now live! If you are planning on attending Field Day, please let us know by filling out the signup form. It will help the club determine how much food to purchase, and give us an idea of how to best plan for setup and takedown.

Signup: https://goo.gl/forms/Q2jqlTMCUgfAMpW82