BARC Holiday Party, Sunday, January 14, 2018

The BARC Holiday Party will be held at the Stockyard restaurant in Brighton at 12:00 noon on Sunday, January 14. (Note the time change from previous years.) We ask that people RSVP by January 5 to allow enough time for the Ham of the Year plaque to be ordered. The reservation form is here.

You’ll also note that you can use this form to nominate the 2017 Ham of the Year. The rules stipulate that the winners from the previous five years (W1JJF, NV1W, N1QD, AB1RL, NA1I) are ineligible. A list of Hams of the Year can be found here.

Halifax Explosion Centennial Special Event

From December 2 through December 10 the Halifax Amateur Radio Club will be holding a special event using the call CK100VDA to commemorate the Great Halifax Explosion of 1917. More information can be found here.

The explosion occurred on the morning of December 6, 1917, when a naval mishap set off a fire on the loaded munitions ship Mont Blanc. The explosion, which killed 2000 and leveled much of the city of Halifax, was the largest man-made explosion until the atomic age.

Fortunately, Boston was able to send a lot of aid quickly. Halifax sends Boston its official Christmas tree each year to mark the friendship between the two cities, and you can do the same by working CK100VDA this month.

Baystate Marathon & Half Marathon – Sunday October 22, 2017

[Via the MMRA “Public Service Events” email list.]

The Lowell CERT Communications Team has been asked to support once again the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 22nd. Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset. Amateur Radio will be used for 2 functions:

  • Medical operations: the purpose of this net is to provide a communications link for medical requests/status to the incident command post.
  • Accountability net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at

Please contact Terry-KA8SCP if you are able to assist or would like more information.

Please share this request with your local clubs. This is a pretty laid back event and suitable for first time public event participation.


Terry M. Stader – KA8SCP
MEMA Region 1 RACES/Communications Officer
PART of Westford-WB1GOF, Senior Club Advisor
NESMC EMA Director

Advisory: Requests for Information from the Public and the Press

[From the ARRL via the MMRA’s Public Service Events list]

Many individuals have loved ones in Puerto Rico and they are understandably hopeful that Amateur Radio operators can relay messages to them. As a result, some are contacting amateurs with requests to pass message traffic to the island.

At the same time, individual amateurs and clubs have reported that local press representatives have contacted them to request information about Amateur Radio involvement in Puerto Rico. This is likely to increase as word spreads in the national media about our activities.

For inquiries from the public, ARRL advises that these individuals should be informed that amateurs traveling to the island to support the American Red Cross effort will be tasked with handling outbound traffic only. With that in mind, members of the public should access the American Red Cross Safe and Well System online at Status information from friends and relatives in Puerto Rico will be entered into the system as it arrives from amateurs stationed there.

For press inquiries, please ask reporters to contact ARRL directly at A system has been established at ARRL Headquarters to respond to press inquiries in a timely and accurate manner.

Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®