BARC VE Session, Monday, July 10, 7:30 pm

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will be holding a volunteer exam session on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 7:30 pm at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St., Boston, MA 02135. This is in the Allston neighborhood; directions are here.

We give exams for all licensing levels: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra. The test fee is $15, and if you pass an exam, you can take the exam for the next higher level without paying an additional fee. More information can be found here.

Testing is by reservation only; we cannot take walk-ins. To reserve a spot or if you have questions, please contact Joe Chapman, NV1W, at

Also, please note that the question pool for the General exam will change on July 1, so in the July 10 session we will be using the new General tests.

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, June 15, 7:30 pm

There will be a BARC General Meeting on Thursday, June 15, both at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building and on Zoom. A period of socializing will start at 7:00, and the meeting proper will start at 7:30.

There is no speaker. We will hold elections and discuss plans for the upcoming Field Day.

Note that we are meeting in the Holton St. Building and not Antwerp St. As previously announced.

Brendan Baldonado, NW1S, will be at the Artisans Asylum starting at 2:00 in the afternoon if you would like to arrive early and see the BARC shack. There will also be an official tour of the facility at 6:15 pm.

Here is the Zoom information. As always, if we have problems with the meeting, we will post any updates on this website.

Meeting ID: 892 6623 9161
Passcode: BARC

BARC Field Day, June 24–25, 2023

Once again, BARC will be holding Field Day in 2023 at the Andrew Cucchiara Learning Center at Hale Education in Westwood, MA. Directions are here. Note that if you are coming to this event, you do not need to pay the normal entrance fee to enter the Hale Education site. Everyone, including guests and those who are not yet licensed, is welcome.

Operating times are from 2:00 pm Saturday, June, 24, until 2:00 pm Sunday, June 25. We will be in class 3A, operating 3 HF stations and a VHF/UHF station using SSB, CW, and digital modes. We are also planning to make a satellite contact. People who wish to participate are encouraged to help with setup on Saturday morning and/or teardown on Sunday afternoon.

We will have pizza on Saturday evening, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday will be provided. Spots for tent camping will be available, though facilities will be minimal (portable toilets and a small sink but no other running water).

Talkaround will be on the BARC simplex frequency, 147.420 MHz.

If you are planning on coming, please let us know using the Google form at

More information on Field Day can be found on the ARRL website and questions about BARC should be sent to

New England QSO Party, May 6–7

(via Tom Frenaye, K1KI.)

The New England QSO Party on May 6th and 7th is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers a moderately paced opportunity to work new states and countries. You’ll find a wide variety of participants, from newcomers to experienced contesters, all interested in making contacts with New England stations.

Our goal is to get every one of the 67 counties in New England on the air so we hope you will encourage your friends to join in the fun! Even if you can join us for a couple of hours, we’d appreciate it! Will you be QRV? Let us know with a message to

The New England QSO Party is 20 hours long overall, in two sections with a civilized break for sleep on Saturday night. It runs from 4 pm Saturday until 1 am Sunday, then 9 am Sunday until 8 pm Sunday. Operate on CW, SSB and/or digital modes on 80-40-20-15-10 meters. For each QSO you’ll give your callsign, a signal report and your county/state. Top scorers can earn a plaque and everyone who sends in a log with at least 25 QSOs will get a certificate. The goal is to work stations anywhere in the world—and their goal is to work New England stations, so you’ll be very popular!

Last year we had logs from 871 stations from around the country and world. There were 295 stations from New England on the air!

The full rules are here:

The full 2022 results were posted a couple of weeks ago:

This next weekend is the 2023 NEQP. Please get on and make some QSOs even if you don’t want to send in a log!

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 pm

BARC’s March General Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 16. There is no speaker scheduled. The meeting will be held at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St. in Allston. Directions are here. You may also join the meeting on Zoom.

The meeting will open for a period of socializing at 7:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30. On Zoom, please use your name and call sign (if you have one) as your meeting name.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 3524 3291
Passcode: BARC

New England Division Town Hall Meeting – Feb 23rd, 7 pm

(From Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC)

Phil Temples K9HI, our Assistant Directors, and I will hold our next New England Division Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, February 23rd, at 7 pm ET. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide you with an ARRL update, get your thoughts on what we should be focusing on, and answer any questions you might have about the ARRL and what we are doing on behalf of ARRL members here in New England.

We plan to spend a good deal of our time together answering your questions. If you’d like to send us a question in advance, you can do so via an email to, or you can just plan to ask your questions during the Town Hall Meeting.

We will hold our Town Hall Meeting via a Zoom Webinar. You can get your personal link to join the Town Hall Meeting via the following link (paste the link in your browser to register) –

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We hope to see you on February 23rd!

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 pm

BARC’s February General Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16. There is no speaker scheduled. The meeting will be held at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St. in Allston. Directions are here. You may also join the meeting on Zoom.

The meeting will open for a period of socializing at 7:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30. On Zoom, please use your name and call sign (if you have one) as your meeting name.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 2003 7213
Passcode: BARC

BARC Special Meeting, Wednesday, January 11, 7:30 pm

BARC will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, January 11. We will be discussion our ongoing relationship with Artisans Asylum, our shack at that location, and the Advanced Membership program. Please note that the date is different from our usual third Thursday meeting date.

The meeting will be held both at Artisans Asylum (complete details forthcoming) and on the Zoom teleconferencing platform. Zoom meeting information will be posted here on the day of the meeting.

The meeting will open for a period of socializing at 7:00 pm; the meeting proper will start at 7:30. If joining us on Zoom, please use your name and call sign (if you have one) as your meeting name.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 3733 1712
Passcode: BARC