BARC Holiday Party, Sunday, January 13

The BARC Holiday Party will be held at the Stockyard restaurant in Brighton at 1:00 pm on Sunday, January 13.

If you have not already returned the reservation form by mail, you may reserve a spot by e-mailing Joe, NV1W, at Please include your name, call, and number of guests; you may settle with the Treasurer for $25 per person at the party. Please use the subject line “BARC Holiday Party” and respond by January 6.

BARC Exam Session, Tuesday, January 8

[Note: this session has been cancelled because no reservations have been made.]

The BARC Volunteer Examiner (VE) Team will be conducting an exam session on Tuesday, January 8, at 7:30 p.m. at Brookline Police Headquarters in Brookline. Note the change from the usual Monday date. More information can be found here. Advance registration is required.

To register for an exam or if you have questions, contact Linda Blair, NA1I, or Jim Clogher, N1ICN.

SKYWARN Recognition Day is Saturday, December 1

Once again, BARC will be participating in SKYWARN Recognition Day at Great Blue Hill Observatory In Milton on Saturday, December 1. Our station, WX1BHO, will be on the air from approximately 0900 to 1500 local time. This is a great low-key way to get your feet wet in the HF bands.

Access to the summit is gained by a 20 minute hike from the base of Great Blue Hill located on Route 138 next to the DCR Trailside Museum or (if you arrive early in the day) by car. Further information is available by contacting Mark Duff, KB1EKN, at If you’re interested in hiking up the hill, contact Joe Chapman, NV1W, at

BARC General/Business Meeting, Thursday, November 15

The next General Meeting of the Boston Amateur Radio Club will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at Brookline Police Headquarters in Brookline. There will be a brief business meeting followed by Bruce Blain, K1BG, speaking on “The History of Entry Level Licensing.”

For those who wish to help, we will stuff membership renewal envelopes before the meeting, starting at about 6:45 p.m.