
This calendar lists upcoming club events and other events of interest to members and Boston-area hams.

For more contest information see the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM’s Contest Calendar. For information on upcoming hamfests and conventions, see the search page on the ARRL website.

Not listed (due to frequency) is the twice-weekly SST (Slow Speed Test) run by our friends at the K1USN club. This is a short, relaxed CW contest with a maximum speed of 20 wpm. SSTs are held on Fridays at 20:00–21:00 UTC and Mondays at 00:00–01:00 UTC (Sunday night Eastern time).

June 2024

1–2 Museum Ships Weekend
1–2 ARRL International Digital Contest
3 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
8 Deadline for articles for the June SPARC
8–10 ARRL June VHF Contest
10 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
15 ARRL Kids Day
16 Flea at MIT, Cambridge
17 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
20 BARC General Meeting, Artisans Asylum, Allston, and Zoom, 7:30 pm (elections)
21 Field Day setup, Hale Education, Westwood
22–23 Field Day, Hale Education, Westwood
24 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm

July 2024

1 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
1–7 13 Colonies Special Event
6 Deadline for articles for the July SPARC
8 BARC VE Session, Artisans Asylum, Allston, 7:30 pm
8 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
13–14 IARU HF World Championship
15 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
20–21 North American QSO Party, RTTY
20–21 CQ Worldwide VHF Contest
21 Flea at MIT, Cambridge
22 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
29 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm

August 2024

3 Deadline for articles for the August SPARC
3–4 ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest
3–4 North American QSO Party, CW
5 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
12 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
17–18 ARRL 10 GHz & Up — Round 1
17–18 North American QSO Party, SSB
18 ARRL Rookie Roundup — RTTY
18 Flea at MIT, Cambridge
19 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm
22–25 Northeast HamXposition, Marlborough, MA
24–25 ARRL EME — 2.3 GHz & Up
24–25 U. S. Islands QSO Party
26 BARC Net, 145.23 Boston Repeater, 9:00 pm