127th Boston Marathon Amateur Radio Volunteers Still Needed

Please forgive the lateness of this post as I realized I forgot to post to the website!

Volunteer applications for the 127th running of the Boston Marathon and BAA 5K are open and are still looking for volunteers! I’m sure some of you have already gotten some emails about this if you’ve volunteered before but I’ve included the instructions from the BAA Communications Committee below. Please consider volunteering!

Volunteer registration for the 2023 Boston Marathon is open.  Returning volunteers will get an email from the BAA later this morning with instructions.  In order to make registration as smooth as possible we are providing specific instructions for our Amateur Radio Operator (ARO) volunteers.

If you haven’t previously volunteered, or have a friend who would like to volunteer, please go directly to the Volunteer Registration page after 10:00 AM EST and follow the instructions for new volunteers.

Step by Step Sign Up Guide: 


A few notes for volunteers:
Almost all amateur radio positions are single person assignments.  We are not able to group people on a single assignment, but we will try to accommodate which segment you are assigned to in order to allow for similar start/end times.

Don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes on Friday, February 10 at 5:00 PM EST. It would help our planning processes if you could please complete your registration by Friday, January 27.

Help us get the word out by forwarding this email to your club and other amateur radio operators who might wish to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new licensees who might like to join us, please make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help.

If you have any questions about the upcoming volunteer registration period, or the 2023 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime. Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it. We’re happy to do what we can to make your work fun, comfortable, and effective.

We look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you, and 73,

Boston Marathon Communications Committee

BARC Holiday Party, Sunday, January 8, 1:00 pm

BARC will hold its annual Holiday Party on Sunday, January 8, starting at 1:00 pm at The Stockyard in Brighton. We will be ordering off the menu, and the cost will be $25 per person; you will be responsible for your own bar bill. Vegetarian options will be available.

Please RSVP to Joe Chapman, NV1W, joechapman@alum.mit.edu by January 3. Use the subject “Holiday Party RSVP” and provide your name, call sign (if any), and the number of people.

BARC open for renewals for 2023

Every year, BARC offers current members a 20% discount on renewals made before January 31. You should receive a package in the mail with a stamped return envelope sometime in early December; just return it with your dues before the end of January and you’ll be all set!

Of course, you may always renew using this website, by clicking on the Join button on the menu along the top of this page.

If you would prefer not to receive the mailing and do everything on-line (saving the club the cost of two stamps), you may contact the Secretary, Joe NV1W, at joechapman@alum.mit.edu. You’ll receive an email reminder if you haven’t renewed a week before the January deadline.

Free Weekly General Class on Zoom

From Rol, K3RA:

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Oct 27 and will run through Thursday, January 5. There will be 9 sessions, with two breaks for holidays. The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. Sessions will be recorded. These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Please publicize this with anyone that you think would be interested. Those wishing to sign up should email roland.anders@comcast.net.

BIG E Space Chat is a “Go” on September 27, 2022

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, writes:

The pre-contact program for our upcoming ISS contact at the BIG E will begin at 1:20 pm ET on Tuesday, September 27. Our astronaut will be Bob Hines, KI5RQT. Our ground station for this contact will be ON4ISS in Belgium.

Parking and the walk to The BIG E arena will take some time so be sure to get there early. Remember to bring a printed official copy of your Amateur Radio license and you and up to 3 family and friends will get free admission to The BIG E on contact day.

The arena will hold well over 1,000 people. The BIG E is helping us to publicize the event and arrange for TV coverage for the program and the contact. We would appreciate everyone’s help in getting the word out!

Our pre-contact program will begin with a series of videos about space, NASA, ARISS, going to Mars, and more. Our pre-contact program speakers will include:

  • Gene Cassidy, CEO Eastern States Exposition
  • David Minster, CEO ARRL
  • Fred Kemmerer, Director ARRL New England Division
  • Bob Phinney, President New England Sci-Tech

We hope to see you and many folks across the New England and Hudson Division at the BIG E next Tuesday!