February SPARC Now Available!
MS Walk Boston April 3 Request For Help
From Rick Savage KB1LYJ:
After a 2-year hiatus MS Walk Boston is back. Throughout the year, the National MS Society organizes walks to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research and patient advocacy. The Boston walk has long relied on hams to help ensure everyone’s safety.
This year’s MS Walk Boston is on Sunday, April 3rd. It starts and ends at Boston University’s Nickerson Field in Boston, and runs along Commonwealth Ave and Boston University. Volunteers will check in at 8:00 AM, and stay until the early afternoon.
To volunteer, register online at
I’ll be organizing the hams for this event. In addition to registering, please respond me with the following information:
* Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
* Contact information: your e-mail address, and phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
* Your shirt size
* The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring
* Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?
I addition to contacting me All Volunteers must
This is a requirement of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Thanks for volunteering, and 73,
Rick Savage KB1LYJ
Boston Marathon volunteers still needed
From Bruce Blain, K1BG:
Please let your membership know that the Boston Marathon is in need of an additional 80 – 100 volunteers to provide communications for the 2022 Boston Marathon. It’s a great opportunity to provide a public service, meet many fellow hams, and just have fun enjoying amateur radio during this event. It’s a great way for new hams and old hams alike to show what amateur radio is all about.
Make your membership aware! By email, webpage, local 2 meter/440 net, social media, newsletter, etc. Please get the word out.
For more information, please go here:
Membership renewal discount ends soon
The discount period for BARC membership renewals ends this Monday, January 31. Current members who renew on or before the 31st (either via PayPal or by the postmark of a mailed renewal) may take a 20% discount on annual dues for 2022.
Happy New Year! January SPARC Now Available!
Happy New Year to all! The January SPARC is now available and can be gotten here!
Announcements Newsletter
BARC Holiday Party is Sunday, January 9
The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual Holiday Party on Sunday, January 9 at 1:00 p.m. at the Stockyard Restaurant in Brighton. The cost will be $25 per person including tip; you will be responsible for your own bar bill. We will be ordering off the menu.
Directions can be found here.
Please RSVP to Joe, NV1W, at by Thursday,January 6, specifying your name and call sign (if any) and the number of people attending. If you put “BARC Holiday Party” in the subject line of your email it will make my life easier. You may settle up with Jim, N1ICN, at the party.
You may also send nominations for Ham of the Year to me at the same address.
December SPARC Now Available!
You can access the November issue of the SPARC here.
Remember we do NOT have a Zoom Meeting this month!
Tech POTA Day
15 brave people showed up and many more hunters for our BARC Tech POTA day. 22+ Contacts in NW1S’ log but the Eye ball QSO’s where the highlight of the day. Thanks to Everyone! Full article to follow soon ong with a list of amazing call signs that hunted vigilantly.
Linking People Worldwide
Update to Tech POTA Day
Update on the Tech POTA Day:
We tried to get access and permission to operate from the Norman Smith Education Center but they are hosting a private function and cannot accommodate us. Just outside their gate there are several good clearings where we will be setting up our Parks on the Air station. There is also a quick path around the center to the peak along the skyline trail.
TALKABOUT: We will use the Great Blue Hill repeaters for communicating during the event: NE1AR 146.985/PL 88.5, and 449.125/PL 146.2 (Echolink Capable). As a backup you can contact NW1S via text or phone: 978-430-0750
PARKING: The closest and easiest way to get to the activation site is the Chickatawbut Parking lot (, though space is limited. There is also a parking lot at Route 28 and Chickatawbut Road ( If you’re looking for a longer hike, park at Houghton’s Pond Parking ( and follow the trail towards Chickatawbut Hill. Trail Map:
GETTING THERE: After parking you may hike one of the many trails or take a short walk up the road towards Norman Smith Education Center. The Gate MAY be open to that road but please do not drive up that road as we are only asking for access for one car so we can haul up the gear. Don’t forget to drop us a quick email if you’re thinking of going even if just for a short while:
EVENT: The Boston Amateur Radio Club plans to be up there from 1030am to around 4pm and have coordinated to have a SOTA to POTA contact with a Ham from Temple Mountain, 58 Miles away! We also have a BARC member in Virginia who will be listening to make contacts with us as well.
SATELITE: The SO-50 Amateur Radio satellite will be in the air between 11:53 and 12:07 local time on Saturday! We have three radios, including a full duplex VHF/UHF radio, set up and ready to make a contact via satellite.
HUNTING: The Blue Hills have archery hunting but it is only permitted Monday through Thursday so we should not have any issues.
SPOTTING: We will be spotting via the spot page and will do our best to add BARC in the comments section of the spot. You can also look for all spots from K-8402.
WEATHER: It looks like it’s going to be a cold one up on the hill so dress appropriately.
CLUB: The Event is hosted by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. Visit and join today if you’re not already a member.