Get Your Article in NOW!

Have something to tell your club? Been working on something that has been exciting you? Know something that the rest of the club would be interested in? (DMR comes to mind!)

Write something up for the upcoming March SPARC. Doesn’t have to be big. Make your mark now! Send it off to your harried Editor, KE1ML at!

Going Forward

Hi folks,

This is Morgan (KB1ZFP) writing to you from Somerville, MA. I’d like to apologize for the issues we had tonight with connections to our monthly Zoom meeting. Going forward we’re going to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

To do this, we’ve added two things to our monthly to-do list:

  1. We will update the Zoom link each month instead of trying to use the same link each time.
  2. We will send out a reminder email the Wednesday before each meeting happens so that everyone on our lists will have valid meeting connection details.

Once again, please accept my apologies and I hope to see you all on the air ways very soon!


Morgan, KB1ZFP

Club PayPay System Back UP!

The Club PayPal system has been restored! All praise and thanks for this goes to Joe Harris, N1QD. We had a perfect storm over here where the person who normally dealt with the site was unavailable, and I myself was in Somerville Hospital for a diagnostic test.

Again, many, many thanks to N1QD, and we’re back on the Net (as it were)!

News from our New England Vice Director

New England Vice Director, and BARC member, Phil Temples, K9HI, reminds us of the new FCC Notice for Proposed Rulemaking about increased/reinstated fees that are being considered for the Amateur Service.

We need to have a flood of high-quality comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking to reinstate fees for amateurs. The story linked here supplies some strong talking points, courtesy of ARRL Washington Counsel K3ZJ, that should be included in our individually filed comments.

We encourage all BARC members to file comments to FCC 20-116, MD Docket No. 20-270.