BARC General Meeting, Thursday, March 21, 7:30 pm

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its March meeting on Thursday, March 21, at the Artisans Asylum in Allston and on the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm EDT, preceded by a half hour of socializing.

We will be discussing upcoming events including Field Day in June and upcoming classes.

As always, when attending via Zoom, set your name to your name plus call sign (if you have one) so everyone will know who you are.

Zoom information will be provided here as the meeting date draws nearer.

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 15, 7:30 pm

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its February meeting on Thursday, February 15, at the Artisans Asylum in Allston and on the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm EST, preceded by a half hour of socializing.

The agenda will be a recap on Winter Field Day as well as discussing some new interests from club members in classes and activities for BARC to host and participate in. We welcome all members of the club to bring ideas and thoughts about interesting events new or old, that we as a club can host or help facilitate. These events are for the benefit of YOU our distinguished membership. We especially welcome input from those rarely seen at club meetings or events, let us know what gets you excited about Ham Radio and what we as a club can do to support, host or facilitate and event or activity that you would love to go to.

As always, when attending via Zoom, set your name to your name plus call sign (if you have one) so everyone will know who you are.

Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 860 0184 6590
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 21, 7:00/7:30 pm

We will have a General Meeting of the Boston Amateur Radio Club tonight, Thursday, Dec. 21, on Zoom only. A period of socializing will begin at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30. There is no speaker; we will discuss the Holiday Party and Winter Field Day.

Topic: Boston ARC’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Dec 21, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 0253 4391
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Sep. 21, 7:30 pm

There will be a BARC General Meeting on Thursday, September 21, both at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building and on Zoom. A period of socializing will start at 7:00, and the meeting proper will start at 7:30.

Our speaker will be John Portune, W6NBC, and he will be talking about: A Double Inverted Delta No-Radial All-Band HF Vertical. A 30 ft, lower, horizontally polarized vertical with the azimuth gain less noticeable but comparable to a small beam on a tower but with similar electrically-steerable azimuth gain. Excellent for Field Day and portable operation.

Information about John:
– Licensed Advanced WB6ZCT 1965 Extra 1972 Commercial Licenses: GROL, General Radio Telegraph
– Bachelor’s degree, Physics, Oregon State University 1960
– Career (Retired) Television broadcast engineer/instructor KNBC Ch 4 Los Angeles, Sony Broadcast
– San Francisco Ham magazine author: QST/OTA (over 35 to date) and others
– Frequent Zoom live radio club and ham expo presentations
– Active on HF, VHF, UHF – SSB, FM, digital modes and ham satellites
– Native of Los Angeles, CA 10 yr. resident of UK. Ham license MØGCK
– Married KF6OEB. 3 children, 12 grandchildren
– Steam railroading, pipe organ and sushi enthusiast
–, website:

Here is the Zoom information. As always, if we have problems with the meeting, we will post any updates on this website.

Meeting ID: 817 3252 2755
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, June 15, 7:30 pm

There will be a BARC General Meeting on Thursday, June 15, both at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building and on Zoom. A period of socializing will start at 7:00, and the meeting proper will start at 7:30.

There is no speaker. We will hold elections and discuss plans for the upcoming Field Day.

Note that we are meeting in the Holton St. Building and not Antwerp St. As previously announced.

Brendan Baldonado, NW1S, will be at the Artisans Asylum starting at 2:00 in the afternoon if you would like to arrive early and see the BARC shack. There will also be an official tour of the facility at 6:15 pm.

Here is the Zoom information. As always, if we have problems with the meeting, we will post any updates on this website.

Meeting ID: 892 6623 9161
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, May 18, 7:30 pm

BARC’s March General Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 18th. There is no speaker scheduled. The meeting will be held at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St. in Allston. Directions are here. You may also join the meeting on Zoom.

The meeting will open for a period of socializing at 7:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30. On Zoom, please use your name and call sign (if you have one) as your meeting name.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 5771 4647
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 pm

BARC’s March General Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 16. There is no speaker scheduled. The meeting will be held at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St. in Allston. Directions are here. You may also join the meeting on Zoom.

The meeting will open for a period of socializing at 7:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30. On Zoom, please use your name and call sign (if you have one) as your meeting name.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 3524 3291
Passcode: BARC

New England Division Town Hall Meeting – Feb 23rd, 7 pm

(From Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC)

Phil Temples K9HI, our Assistant Directors, and I will hold our next New England Division Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, February 23rd, at 7 pm ET. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide you with an ARRL update, get your thoughts on what we should be focusing on, and answer any questions you might have about the ARRL and what we are doing on behalf of ARRL members here in New England.

We plan to spend a good deal of our time together answering your questions. If you’d like to send us a question in advance, you can do so via an email to, or you can just plan to ask your questions during the Town Hall Meeting.

We will hold our Town Hall Meeting via a Zoom Webinar. You can get your personal link to join the Town Hall Meeting via the following link (paste the link in your browser to register) –

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We hope to see you on February 23rd!