BARC General Meeting, Thursday, April 21

BARC will be holding a General Meeting on Thursday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. on the Zoom teleconferencing platform. We will be hearing from Barbara Dougan, N1NS, who will present “A Little Bit About Forest Fires.”

The meeting room will be opened at 7:00 pm for a period of socializing. Please put your call sign (if you have one) in your meeting name to help us figure out who you are.

To join the Zoom meeting above go to:
Meeting ID: 999 1873 2995; Password: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, April 21

The next General Meeting of the Boston Amateur Radio Club will be held on Thursday, April 21, at 7:30 pm on the Zoom teleconferencing platform. The meeting will be opened at 7:00 pm for a period of socializing.

Our speaker will be Barbara Dougan, N1NS, who will present “A Little Bit About Forest Fires”. Her background includes 20 years of western wildland fire assignments along with a few other types of incidents. She was an ICS qualified Public Information Officer, Liaison Officer, Resource Advisor, Radio Operator, and Comm Tech.

Information on joining the meeting will be forthcoming.

SPARC and BARC Meeting Thursday 15 April

Due to both professional and health issues, the April SPARC will be delayed until this coming weekend (17-18 April).

We do have an exciting meeting planned for Thursday evening at 7:30ET (15 April) on the Zoom teleconferencing platform.

Joe Harris, N1QD, will be presenting DMR basics, with an emphasis on getting set up and running on BARC’s 70cm DMR repeater. No pressure, but this could be one of the best presentations this year!

To join the Zoom meeting above go to:

Meeting ID: 999 1873 2995 Password: BARC

Clear Your Calendars!!

Clear Your Calendars!!

This Thursday evening, LIVE, on your computer – the Boston Amateur Radio Club’s July Meeting!

Again, due to COVID, etc, we’ll be meeting as we did last month via Zoom. Not only will we be able to check in with each other and share what we may be doing during this odd time, but we’ll be having a speaker, Charles Bures, WA3ITR, talking about FT8.

There seems to be a new digital mode nearly every month on HF (and they’d work on VHF and UHF as well!), and FT8 has proven itself to be among the most popular. We’re looking forward to this talk since the last time I was active before I moved to MA, FT8 didn’t even exist!

Club members will be getting an email with the Zoom Meeting ID that you’ll need to have to get into the meeting.

For those of you for whom this is new, check out to download the free software available for Windows, AndroidOS and iOS, as well as extensions for Firefox and Chrome (if you want to try coming in from a Chromebook!).

A Quiet Revolution…

On the evening of June 18th the Boston Amateur Radio Club went through a quiet revolution.

BARC is one of the older Amateur Radio Clubs still going in Eastern MA right now. For the last decade or more the club has been wonderfully run by a tight, core group of people who have done yeoman’s work navigating the organization through the honestly chaotic times of the 21st century. On June 18th these magnificently hard working folks got a bit of a much deserved break.

Holding its first meeting since their January Holiday Party – and its first meeting ever via Zoom, thanks to Phil Temples, K9HI – BARC elected the first new people to its major offices in years.

Taking over from Joe Chapman, NV1W, as Secretary, is Doc Kinne, KE1ML.

Taking over from Mark Duff, KB1EKN, as Vice President, is Morgan Johnstone, KB1ZFP.

BARC was unanimous in the gratitude it holds for the officers stepping down – they are the reason BARC continues to thrive at all! Past Vice President Mark Duff, as he stepped down, expressed appreciation that “new blood” had stepped into leadership roles.

(Photo courtesy of K9HI)