BARC General Meeting October 19

On Thursday, October 19, join the Boston Amateur Radio Club at 7:30PM for the monthly meeting at the Brookline Police Headquarters Community Room.

The featured speaker at out October General Meeting will be Rob Macedo, KD1CY. Rob is the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator as well as the MEMA/FEMA Region 1/NWS Taunton SKYWARN Liaison. Rob will give an updated overview on SKYWARN and ARES in Eastern Massachusetts. As the Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net, he will speak on the recent hurricane net operations over the past 6 weeks including the recent Amateur Radio Operators deployment to Puerto Rico for relief efforts on the island.

Antenna / Coax Work Party October 21

At Field Day this summer, it was discovered that the club’s triband beam antenna was not performing as desired. Specifically, a high SWR was noticed on the 15m and 10m phone bands. On Saturday October 21, the club will have an antenna work party at the home of Mark KB1EKN, near the 220 bus out of Quincy Center Station. We will erect the beam on a mast, and sweep it with an antenna analyzer. If anything appears to be a problem, we will re-tune the antenna as needed. While we have the crew together, we will also take the time to test and inventory the club’s coax. If there are enough people on site, we will break up into teams to work on both tasks in parallel. Sign up for the work party here​. The club will pick up lunch for volunteers. Contact Mark KB1EKN with additional questions.