It’s finally done, after some delays due to me being new and some minor but annoying health issues. I’ll do better next time! Get it here…
New editor of The SPARC
Shirley Dulcey KE1L is taking over editing The SPARC as of the October 2023 issue (the next one). All submissions for that issue and subsequent issues should be sent to her at and not to Joe Chapman. (Joe will send along anything that he has already received.) The deadline for submissions for the next issue is still Saturday, October 7.
Shirley has been a ham since the summer of 1970, receiving her ticket just a bit too late to ever operate her junior high station. (All was not lost; the high school had an even better station.) She is active in the New England QRP Club and especially enjoys operating from field locations. (She is likely to sneak some QRP content into this newsletter, especially if you don’t submit articles!) She has published newsletters for other organizations, including the Boston Computer Society and the Eastern Massachusetts unit of the American Contract Bridge League. She was a member of BARC in its early years, and rejoined in December 2022 to become active in the BARC at Artisans Asylum station and to participate in Winter Field Day 2023, and later at the ARRL Field Day station.
A big thank you to Joe for his service as editor.
The September Issue of The SPARC is Available
The September issue of The SPARC is now available and can be gotten here!
The August issue of The SPARC is available
The August issue of The SPARC is now available and can be gotten here!
The July SPARC is now available
The July issue of The SPARC is now available and can be gotten here!