MS Walk Boston April 3 Request For Help

From Rick Savage KB1LYJ:

After a 2-year hiatus MS Walk Boston is back. Throughout the year, the National MS Society organizes walks to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research and patient advocacy.  The Boston walk has long relied on hams to help ensure everyone’s safety. 

This year’s MS Walk Boston is on Sunday, April 3rd.  It starts and ends  at Boston University’s Nickerson Field in Boston, and runs along  Commonwealth Ave and Boston University.  Volunteers will check in at 8:00 AM, and stay until the early afternoon. 

To volunteer, register online at

I’ll be organizing the hams for this event.  In addition to registering, please respond me with the following information:
* Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
* Contact information: your e-mail address, and phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
* Your shirt size
* The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring
* Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

I addition to contacting me All Volunteers  must
 This is a requirement of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Thanks for volunteering, and 73,

Rick Savage KB1LYJ

Boston Marathon volunteers still needed

From Bruce Blain, K1BG:

Please let your membership know that the Boston Marathon is in need of an additional 80 – 100 volunteers to provide communications for the 2022 Boston Marathon. It’s a great opportunity to provide a public service, meet many fellow hams, and just have fun enjoying amateur radio during this event. It’s a great way for new hams and old hams alike to show what amateur radio is all about.

Make your membership aware! By email, webpage, local 2 meter/440 net, social media, newsletter, etc. Please get the word out.

For more information, please go here:

Volunteer at the Run of the Charles, April 29

The Run of the Charles is one of the most unique public service events for hams each year. It’s a series of canoe and kayak races for all different group sizes and course lengths. The variety draws all kinds of participants, and they all rely on us to help keep the event running safely and smoothly.

This year’s Run of the Charles is on Sunday, April 29. The full 26-mile course runs from Riverdale Park in Dedham down to Artesani Park in Brighton. Assignment check-in times vary by location, from 7:00 AM at far start points to 10:00 AM at portages near the finish. Since the CRWA relies on hams for all kinds of logistics, from on-site check-ins to rules infractions, there’s a position for volunteers at any experience level.

Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band (2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the stock rubber duck. These are necessary because many volunteer sites are low-lying areas where it can be a challenge to reach repeaters. If you can help, please get in touch and let me know:

  • Your name and call sign
  • Phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
  • Details of the equipment you’re willing to bring. Start sites that accept new registrations could benefit from a small field setup—think 10W+ and an antenna like a magmount or better. If you can bring that, please let me know.
  • Your shirt size
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

If you have questions about the event, please get in touch by e-mail or phone (859) 466 5915.

Register now to volunteer at the BAA 5K

Volunteer registration is open for the BAA 5K! The race is the Saturday before Marathon Monday, April 14.  Registration is scheduled to close on February 9, so please sign up soon to make sure we can get you on the team.

The 5K and the Marathon use the same volunteer registration system. If you’re volunteering at the Marathon, please register and request a Marathon assignment.  After you’re done, please e-mail BAA volunteer coordinator Mary Miller and CC: me to request to be added to the 5K roster as well.  If you can include your BAA volunteer loyalty number or registration confirmation number, that helps.

If you just want to volunteer at the 5K, go through the volunteer registration and choose “5K Hams” as your assignment preference when asked.  You’ll know you’re done when you get a confirmation number.

The BAA always appreciates support from amateur radio volunteers. We wouldn’t have that great relationship if you didn’t come and put in the work to make these races possible. I hope you’ll join us to help kick off another great year of public service.

If you have questions about either event, please contact me by e-mail.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

It’s time to register to volunteer at the Boston Marathon

Volunteer registration is open for the 2018 Boston Marathon! Sign up today on the BAA’s web site. You don’t need to specify any group name or passcode. Just make sure you request at least one ham radio assignment in your preferences. Once you get your application confirmation number, you’re all set.

If you’re a returning volunteer, you’ll be asked to provide your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number. You should’ve received that in a separate e-mail from the BAA today. There’s also a tool to look it up on the BAA volunteer site. If you still have trouble finding it, e-mail us and we can help you out.

Don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes in early February. Help us get the word out by forwarding this e-mail to your club and other hams who might like to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new amateurs who might like to join us, make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help.

Again, If you have any questions about volunteer registration, or the 2018 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime. Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job, and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it. We’re happy to do what we can to make your work more comfortable or effective.

Again, we look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you, and 73,

Matthew Forman, K6MCF
for the Boston Marathon Communications Committee

Baystate Marathon & Half Marathon – Sunday October 22, 2017

[Via the MMRA “Public Service Events” email list.]

The Lowell CERT Communications Team has been asked to support once again the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 22nd. Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset. Amateur Radio will be used for 2 functions:

  • Medical operations: the purpose of this net is to provide a communications link for medical requests/status to the incident command post.
  • Accountability net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at

Please contact Terry-KA8SCP if you are able to assist or would like more information.

Please share this request with your local clubs. This is a pretty laid back event and suitable for first time public event participation.


Terry M. Stader – KA8SCP
MEMA Region 1 RACES/Communications Officer
PART of Westford-WB1GOF, Senior Club Advisor
NESMC EMA Director

Finish at the Fifty, Monday, July 3

(From Brett Smith, AB1RL)

The Finish at the Fifty is a unique event on the public service calendar. It’s a combined 5K and 10K on the evening of July 3. The finish line for both races is the 50-yard line of Gillette Stadium, and there’s a free fireworks show after. It’s got a lot of energy, and particular challenges for runner safety (they go up and down the ramps of the stadium!). Given the size of the course, the medical team relies on amateur radio volunteers for communications support and to keep extra eyes on runners.

Recruiting for this event is always a challenge because of the date. A lot of people have travel plans, which I understand. Because of that, please join our team if you’re able. Chris Troyanos is the medical coordinator for this event. He would always like to have more coverage, and he would love to have our support especially.

To sign up, just email me with your call sign, cell phone number, and t-shirt size. Plan to be there from around 4:30 to 8:30 PM. All you need is a dual band handheld and any accessories that will keep you comfortable. Further instructions will follow.

If you have questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by e-mail at