
Regular memberships are $25 per year, $12.50 for juniors under 18, and $12.50 for seniors 65 and older. Additional memberships for hams living in the same household as another regular member are also $12.50. Membership is for a calendar year from January 1 through December 31; dues are reduced by one-half if paid after June 30. You can pay by credit card via PayPal or you can pay directly by mailing a check.

You do not need an amateur radio license to join as a regular member.

If you wish to join as an Advanced Member, the membership category that includes full access to the facilities at Artisans Asylum, please contact a member of the Executive Committee of the club; do not use this form. Advanced membership dues are currently $1440 per year.

Donations are gratefully accepted. All donations are placed in a special fund for the maintenance of the club’s VHF and DMR UHF repeaters. Although BARC is a non-profit organization, we regret that donations are not tax-deductable.

To join or renew and pay using PayPal

Please use the following form to join or renew using PayPal.

To join or renew and pay by check

To pay by check, fill out this form and mail with a check made out to “Boston Amateur Radio Club” to the address below. Please write your callsign on the check.

Boston Amateur Radio Club
P. O. Box 15585
Boston, MA 02215-0011