Advisory: Requests for Information from the Public and the Press

[From the ARRL via the MMRA’s Public Service Events list]

Many individuals have loved ones in Puerto Rico and they are understandably hopeful that Amateur Radio operators can relay messages to them. As a result, some are contacting amateurs with requests to pass message traffic to the island.

At the same time, individual amateurs and clubs have reported that local press representatives have contacted them to request information about Amateur Radio involvement in Puerto Rico. This is likely to increase as word spreads in the national media about our activities.

For inquiries from the public, ARRL advises that these individuals should be informed that amateurs traveling to the island to support the American Red Cross effort will be tasked with handling outbound traffic only. With that in mind, members of the public should access the American Red Cross Safe and Well System online at Status information from friends and relatives in Puerto Rico will be entered into the system as it arrives from amateurs stationed there.

For press inquiries, please ask reporters to contact ARRL directly at A system has been established at ARRL Headquarters to respond to press inquiries in a timely and accurate manner.

Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®

Finish at the Fifty, Monday, July 3

(From Brett Smith, AB1RL)

The Finish at the Fifty is a unique event on the public service calendar. It’s a combined 5K and 10K on the evening of July 3. The finish line for both races is the 50-yard line of Gillette Stadium, and there’s a free fireworks show after. It’s got a lot of energy, and particular challenges for runner safety (they go up and down the ramps of the stadium!). Given the size of the course, the medical team relies on amateur radio volunteers for communications support and to keep extra eyes on runners.

Recruiting for this event is always a challenge because of the date. A lot of people have travel plans, which I understand. Because of that, please join our team if you’re able. Chris Troyanos is the medical coordinator for this event. He would always like to have more coverage, and he would love to have our support especially.

To sign up, just email me with your call sign, cell phone number, and t-shirt size. Plan to be there from around 4:30 to 8:30 PM. All you need is a dual band handheld and any accessories that will keep you comfortable. Further instructions will follow.

If you have questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by e-mail at