The April 2024 issue of The SPARC is available and can be gotten here.
QDX class starts April 18th!
Note: The class is sold out. Thank you for your interest.
We are excited to announce that the Boston Amateur Radio Club is teaching a QDX building class.
What is a QDX, you ask? Well it’s a digital ham radio transceiver, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, that operates at 5 watts on the 10 meter amateur radio band.
This class is going to be geared towards Technician class licensees, newer hams with limited experience in soldering, antenna concepts and digital modes. So, if that sounds like you, we encourage you to take the class.
This offering of the QDX build class has been sponsored by an Amateur Radio Digital Communications grant, and the materials cost, a $110 value, has been completely covered by that grant. The class still has a nominal fee of $75 which is being donated to Artisans Asylum for their continued support and help of the Boston Amateur Radio Club.
The class will be on Thursday evenings, beginning on April 18th, for 5 sessions.
A quick class description:
This class is a brief introduction to basic electronic circuits, building toroids, soldering, building antennas, and operating on amateur radio digital modes. We will be building a QRP Labs 10m QDX-M single band radio and a QRP Guys No-Tune end-fed half wave antenna.
The class will consist of five sessions, every Thursday at 6pm, beginning on April 18th, held at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building.
During the class we will:
- Build a small portable antenna
- Learn about some basic electronic components
- Learn how to solder
- Learn to make toroids
- Build a small 5 watt radio for the ten meter band
- Learn to operate on digital modes
While this class does not have any prerequisites, we are building a radio for use on amateur radio frequencies, so a Technician class amateur radio license is preferred (but not required) to take the class and keep the radio. Be advised that in order to transmit using your radio outside of class meeting times, you will need an amateur radio license issued by the FCC.
For more information on licensing and a schedule of test sessions contact the Boston Amateur Radio Club at
The class listing is here if you wish to sign up:
If you have experience with soldering and building kits but wish to take the class, we would ask that you wait and give those newer to the hobby and kit building a chance to sign up for the class. In a week or so if there are spots left I will resend a email to the bostonARC list for all others that may be interested.
Any questions please email Brendan at
BARC General Meeting, March 21
The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, March 21, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.
We will be taking a first vote on the following Bylaws amendment, increasing the amount of an expenditure an individual Officer (i.e., President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary) may authorize:
Article IV, Section 1 (Fiscal Matters of the Club), “Expenditure Authorizations”, is amended as follows: The sentence “An individual Officer may authorize the expenditure of up to $100 dollars.” is replaced with “An individual Officer may authorize the expenditure of up to $250 dollars.”
If the amendment passes, a second vote will be taken at the April meeting.
Meeting ID: 827 1420 7849
Passcode: BARC
The March, 2024, Issue of The SPARC is Available
The March, 2024, issue of The SPARC is available and can be gotten here.
BARC General Meeting, Thursday, March 21, 7:30 pm
The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its March meeting on Thursday, March 21, at the Artisans Asylum in Allston and on the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm EDT, preceded by a half hour of socializing.
We will be discussing upcoming events including Field Day in June and upcoming classes.
As always, when attending via Zoom, set your name to your name plus call sign (if you have one) so everyone will know who you are.
Zoom information will be provided here as the meeting date draws nearer.
BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 15, 7:30 pm
The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its February meeting on Thursday, February 15, at the Artisans Asylum in Allston and on the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm EST, preceded by a half hour of socializing.
The agenda will be a recap on Winter Field Day as well as discussing some new interests from club members in classes and activities for BARC to host and participate in. We welcome all members of the club to bring ideas and thoughts about interesting events new or old, that we as a club can host or help facilitate. These events are for the benefit of YOU our distinguished membership. We especially welcome input from those rarely seen at club meetings or events, let us know what gets you excited about Ham Radio and what we as a club can do to support, host or facilitate and event or activity that you would love to go to.
As always, when attending via Zoom, set your name to your name plus call sign (if you have one) so everyone will know who you are.
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 860 0184 6590
Passcode: BARC
Discounted renewals end January 31
The discount period for membership renewals ends on Wednesday, January 31. Renewals made on PayPal on or before that date, or mailed renewals postmarked by that date, receive a 20% discount. On February 1, dues will be $25.00 for regular members, and $12.50 for senior, junior, and family members.
To renew via PayPal, go to the Join page, fill out the form, and click through to PayPal to pay your dues.
Holiday Party, Sunday, January 7, 2 pm
This year’s BARC Holiday Party will be held on Sunday, January 7, from 2–5 pm at Artisans Asylum in Boston. The cost per person will be $10, which will cover food and water or soft drinks. You may bring additional beverages, alcoholic or otherwise, if you desire.
Please sign up by Thursday, January 4 at if you plan on attending.
BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 21, 7:00/7:30 pm
We will have a General Meeting of the Boston Amateur Radio Club tonight, Thursday, Dec. 21, on Zoom only. A period of socializing will begin at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30. There is no speaker; we will discuss the Holiday Party and Winter Field Day.
Topic: Boston ARC’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Dec 21, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 0253 4391
Passcode: BARC
It’s membership renewal time!
The packages for 2024 Boston Amateur Radio Club membership renewals will be mailed out some time next week. If your membership expires at the end of 2023, you will receive the mail by default. Current members are eligible to renew at a 20% discount—$20 for general members, and $10 for juniors, seniors, and family members. You must renew by January 31, 2024 to take advantage of the discount. The grace period for renewals extends through March, 2024.
You can renew (as well as join) on the web by going to the Join page. When you click through to the PayPal payment page, you will see a section for renewals at the bottom of the page.
If you do not want to receive the mailing (thereby saving the club the cost of two stamps), please send me a message at saying so, or renew on the web before Wednesday, December 6.
If you wish to join as an Advanced Member, please do not renew using this website or the paper renewal form; instead, you should contact a member of the Executive Committee or send mail to Current Advanced Member dues are $1400 annually and there are a limited number available.
Both renewals and new memberships made now using the website will give you BARC membership through December 31, 2024.
Thank you in advance for your support of the club and its activities and repeaters.